Note: The numbers listed below are for CAMPUS POLICE and EMERGENCY contacts. Other campus contact numbers can be found on Our Campuses, or call 1-877-897-0006.
Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm and Fridays 8am- 12 noon
The TigerCARE Team is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management, and reduction of interpersonal and behavior threats to the safety and well-being of Southern Crescent Technical College students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone in the college community.
Violent fantasies, anger problems, fascination with weapons and accoutrements, homicidal ideation, stalking, non-compliance or disciplinary matters, academic misconduct and dishonesty, interest in previous shooting situations, victim/martyr self-concept, strangeness and aberrant behavior, paranoia, violence and cruelty, acting out, recent police contact, mental health history related to dangerousness, unusual interest in police, military, terrorist activities and materials, stalking, speaking or writing that seems bizarre, suicidal ideation, or use of drugs and/or alcohol.
Individuals can submit referrals in the following ways:
Special Services provides assurances that individuals who are members of Special Populations have equal access to recruitment, enrollment, career services activities and the full range of technical education programs and activities. Special Populations students are individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children (Receiving PELL, WIA, TANF, VOC REHAB, ETC.), single parents, single pregnant women, displaced homemakers, and individuals with a disability. The Special Services Team delivers services for all students in the 十大网赌平台推荐 service delivery area of Butts County, Fayette County, Henry County, Jasper County, Lamar County, Pike County, Spalding County, and Upson County.
Eben Risper, eben.ripser@trhcn.comAssistant Director of Student Support Services
Special Populations
Title IX/Equity Coordinator
Serving Students on the Griffin Campus,Henry County Center, and Fayette County Center.
Telephone number: 770-228-7382
Special Services Coordinator/Sign Language Interpreter
ADA/504 Coordinator
Serving Students on the Griffin Campus, Henry County Center, and Fayette County Center.
Telephone number: 770-228-7258
Special Services Coordinator
Special Populations and Disabilities
Title IX/Equity and ADA/504 Coordinator
Serving Students on the Flint River Campus, Butts County, and the Jasper County Center.
Telephone number: 706-646-6224